Our Services

Property Management

We have access to management professionals in most every industry available for investment.


Canadian Banks are some of the most secure and stable globally. We assist in loan securement and mortages should they be required.

Property Insurance

Most life insurance companies in Canada will provide life insurance to permanent residents or landed immigrants. We can help with business and real estate insurance.

Real Estate Planning

We excell at assisting your company or family with investment and business planning, development and execution.

Real Estate Tax Services

Taxes can always a challenge to any new emmigrated family or new business. After 30 years in business we know the challenges and the opportunities of tax law.

Real Estate Investment Coaching

We have been successful in Canada and want you to be successful in all areas of your life in Canada and especially, Winnipeg. We enjoy sharing our expertise with strong ties to the Indo-Canadian community in Manitoba and Saskatchewan.

01 - Careful Analysis

Once you contact us, we assist in making the transition for India to Canada as problem-free as possible.


02 - Quick Research

We work directly with you to see what business best suits your investment needs.


03 - New Strategies

We have developed a strategy that simply defines the process as we help you achive your goals in Canada.
